Saturday, July 2, 2011

Treatment of asthma

| Saturday, July 2, 2011 | 1 comments

Avoid allergens is good advice for asthmatics and asthmatic women. In daily life, this advice is sometimes difficult to implement. Above all, children have trouble to see that you have to give away to their well-beloved pet, or the outside in the spring, they may not after (see details to avoid allergens ).

The Lung Association advises asthma sufferers and their families through meaningful measures to reduce exposure to allergens as possible. In the brochure "Living with allergic asthma" patients and their families will find many tips and information.

Drugs for asthma treatment
The drugs for asthma therapy can be divided into two groups:  

  1. Drugs for the expansion of the bronchi. They are inhaled during an asthma attack and immediately expand the bronchial tubes. Their effect depends on the relaxation of the bronchial musculature. There is short-acting agent for the rapid treatment of an asthma attack and for prevention of respiratory distress in sports as well as long-acting medication to prevent seizures. The long-acting medications are appropriate for patients with moderate and severe asthma. Bronchodilator drugs to be used usually in combination with the second group of drugs, the anti-inflammatory drugs.  
  2. Drugs for inflammation in the bronchi . These medications are usually inhaled so they go right there, where they are to act. This already given small amounts of the drug (corticosteroids) to achieve a good effect. Inhaling small amounts reduces the risk of massive side effects.
Anti-inflammatory pain medications (eg, headache or rheumatic diseases) are for the treatment of asthma attacks and inappropriate!

In order to unfold their full effect inhaled medications, the person concerned must first learn the correct inhalation technique. Therefore, the family doctor or the doctor is always watching again to see if the patient or the patient inhales the medication properly. Targeted asthma patients and patient education (for children and adults) that are organized by the cantonal leagues lung assist those affected in addition to better deal with the disease.

Have the asthma under control
The following four principles you have your asthma under control:  
  1. Known asthma triggers to avoid . These include pollen, tobacco smoke, perfume and other gaseous chemicals, animal dander, mold and upper respiratory infections.
  2. Taking prescribed medications exactly as prescribed . If the drugs work is too weak or too strong, you should immediately report to the attending physician or the physician.  
  3. Emergency drugs always carry with you .  
  4. An asthma attack treated early .
Typical symptoms of an incipient asthma attack are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness in the chest.

Asthma or asthmatic women from 12 years using the asthma control test to determine the success of asthma therapy itself. The results of the tests should be discussed with the treating medical professionals between.
A flu infection can exacerbate asthma sustainable. Therefore, those affected with severe and moderate asthma is recommended to get vaccinated against flu.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Korean Herbal Medicines for Asthma Treatment

| Friday, July 1, 2011 | 0 comments

The survey results can reduce asthma attacks by Korea-based source of herbs commonly used to treat allergic diseases in Asia. Herbs are So- Cheung - Ryong Tang (SCRT)

Explain how the mechanism of SCRT is regulated in response to allergens, we evaluated the effects of SCRT Immunological a rat model of asthma caused by the extraction of dust and cockroach allergens and endotoxin, Jiyou Kim, Ph.D.

He said that the study examined different aspects of lung inflammation, including production of pulmonary inflammatory mediators and the recruitment of inflammatory cells.

The researchers found that the SCRT treatment significantly reduced the respiratory system determined by the interaction of body plethysmography to measure airway resistance too.

The researchers noted that the immune responses to inflammation of the lungs were suspended by SCRT treatment, as evidenced by reduced plasma levels of antibodies and to improve lung tissue.

SCRT significant reduction in the number of neutrophils in the fluid (BAL), and the lowest level of fluid in the bronchial washing CXC chemokine expressed in immune response, possible mechanism for reducing inflammation.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Excessive Chlorine in Swimming Pool Trigger Asthma

| Saturday, June 25, 2011 | 5 comments

One study found a surprising fact that, swimming in the pool that contains too much chlorine can lead to allergies and childhood asthma.

Chlorine is a disinfectant that is actually good and pretty safe to use in the pool, especially if used correctly. But if the chlorine dose is too high, can cause irritation of the organ swimmers who hold a direct contact with water. Irritation is proven to damage the respiratory tract, especially in children.

For children who are sensitive, given the dip in the pool chlorine was made possible respiratory allergies and asthma. Risk adolescents who have a risk sensitive 3.3 to 6.6 times higher when swimming in pools chlorinated and allergic rhinitis were given increases to 2.2 to 3.5 times if the swim more than 1,000 hours in a chlorinated pool.

Children who swim in chlorinated pools for 100-500 hours of his life was 6 percent of those suffering from asthma, while the dip is less than 100 hours of the possibility that asthma is 1.8 percent lower. This means the number of children developing asthma increased with increasing the number of hours of swimming. For pool sanitation does not affect the risk of allergy and asthma.

Researchers believe that the cause is the chlorine which can be dangerous in the water or flying through the air at the surface of the pond, causing changes in the respiratory tract. For those with sensitive skin are also very susceptible to allergies due to direct contact with the chlorine in the pool.

For those of you who have a swimming pool, you should consider it right to use chlorine. But if forced to use it, you should seek the correct information about the exposure limits in the use of chlorine, is intended to be free from the possibility of your family have asthma, or families who have asthmatic is not getting worse.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Asthma and Treatment : my experience

| Saturday, June 18, 2011 | 1 comments

asthma treatment
Asthma cure or asthma treatment  without the need to take asthma medication, that's my personal experience. Asthma has become my everyday friends since the 1989's, so it was more than 20 years suffered from this disease. Asthma is basically the narrowing caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract. Some say because of transcription factors but also due to environmental factors. Like me for example, father, mother and brother there who suffer from this disease, but rather to attack me.

There is also a mention of asthma as a disease because of fatigue. And indeed for people, if body condition is declining plus stressed, it's going to come of disease. Even more depressing if the night he's coming, it can be ascertained the body becomes weaker than before. Probably because of lack of sleep and lack of supply of oxygen into the body. The more frequent the attacks, causes or triggers of asthma increases.

Some say the sodium absorption ratio of asthma can be cured. But the experience of my daughter who had also been a sufferer of this disease has never recurred after treatment with the Forever Young products,  brown rice flour.  Time it intends to cure the chronic stomach, turns the stomach is relatively better, is not suspected asthma disease also never relapsing. Yes of course the long treatment, 2 years. Unfortunately the MLM company is now no longer exists, while I do not consume these products.

Actually, many efforts have been me trying to do to cure this asthma. Besides ashamed of neighbors and friends when the distinctive sounds, as well as irritating to never despair because it looks like tomorrow is no hope anymore. Asthma drug patent generic dam ever attempted to traditional medicine. The effect is only momentarily overcome asthma attacks. Even this has been changing over 7 years using the inhaler. Even this has been changing over 7 years using the inhaler. The frightening use of drugs in a long time causes asthma more resistant and need a higher dose and change brands.

About 2 months ago I bought sandals (sandal asma) for the treatment of other diseases.  After using for 1 month, turned out at night do not need to spray again with the inhaler for asthma. Sleep comfortably and not worry anymore.  And this has lasted several days. This experience is what I want transmitted, for more details, please read the sandal asma..

Symptoms of asthma

Symptoms of asthma are generally easily recognizable both for non sufferers the more people with asthma itself. Asthma symptoms that appear after attacks are shortness of breath escalate and cause a loud enough noise during deep breathing.

Understanding the symptoms of asthma is quite variable among patients. A person with asthma could have said the disease does not recur, while for another patient was categorized at the level of symptoms of asthma attack has started. It is based on observations at several apartments who are also suffering from this disease. They think their asthma is not in a position of 'relapse', while I think once the sound had come out while breathing, then the disease has risen. The introduction of the symptoms as soon as possible is necessary to dispel a more severe attack.

What is often overlooked both by those around the patient or the patient itself is a symptom onset of this disease. Because of allergies, especially the wrong foods, the patient will usually cough. Coughing can be a symptom of asthma attacks that will be intensified. If you know people with asthma often cough, should be alert. We recommend that the patient was told to take a deep breath, if there is sound typical, and then it is the early symptoms of asthma.

Causes of asthma

The cause asthma or trigger asthma vary widely. That led to me suffering from asthma is probably much I got a cold disease, while treatment is often incomplete. That's my guess at the beginning of asthma. It was later learned, home and environment that contains asbestos can also be a trigger emergence of this respiratory disease. This I learned after reading health magazines in a drugstore. Though I live in a house whose roof is made of asbestos. And thankfully now been moved to another tile-roofed house.

If people with asthma often recur, then the condition is getting worse. That is why the disease is also referred to as a disease of exhaustion. When it come to this stage, the number of triggers of asthma will be many more. Conversely, if the prime body condition, number of triggers (allergens) was also reduced by itself.

The cause of asthma among people with one another can be different. For example, I'm not the same with my daughter. I'm resistant to cassava leaf vegetable, but my daughter is different,   go cut the cassava leaves are the symptoms of asthma will appear. That is why it is important for patients and their families to research and find out what could be a factor causing asthma in the family. However the causes of asthma are also much the same.

Preventing asthma

To prevent asthma, you can do things as follows (personal experience):
  1. Families and patients themselves recognize asthma trigger factors of each patient. Keep in mind are usually factors that cause asthma are different for each person. By avoiding these trigger factors; the asthma attacks can be avoided.
  2. Keep in shape. With diligent exercise, the body becomes healthy. If a good body condition, number of trigger factors is reduced.  
  3. Keep the room and a bed in a clean condition. Clean regularly and better if the room is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner dust.
  4. Pillows and mattresses should not be made of cotton. Replace your mattress and pillows made from foam. Avoid also the use of carpet in the bedroom, because the dusty carpet is a powerful asthma trigger factors. 
  5. Better if patients and their families recognize early symptoms of asthma, such as frequent coughing, red eyes and the sound arose when taking a breather. If these symptoms appear, do get treatment (use of inhalers / asthma spray). Do not wait for a new asthma treatment has been intensified.
  6. Asthma is also often recurring if the weather is cold or dusty. In cold weather, drinking beverages that can warm the body and after a bath or going to sleep back and chest rubbed with balm. Meanwhile, if the weather is dusty, you should vent the room is closed and if you want to sleep close your nose with a handkerchief soaked in water.
  7. Often asthma attack at night. Patient woke up and immediately shortness of breath. To prevent this, before going to bed spraying with inhaler though there are no symptoms of an attack.  
  8. Forever Young Rice flour has cured me of childhood asthma, of course, after the consumption for 2 years. FYI unfortunately now closed, was owned rice flour is not the same as the other companies owned by FYI.  
  9. Avoid home environment that many roofs are made of asbestos.
Treating asthma by not drinking and use of asthma medication is highly recommended. But the question is whether asthma can be treated or cured?

Frankly in my mind too often haunted by the question. It's over a wide range of drugs already in use. Initially using a cheap generic drug does not heal even more resistant. Replaced branded medicinal chemistry (drug taking), finally also the same, the more days the more resistant it is asthma. Ever tried traditional medicine, can only temporarily suppress the attack but does not cure And even more frightening is the side effect of drugs taken was the start there is renal impairment.

The next stage I use a spray (inhaler). Inhaler to treat asthma (eg Ventoline) is highly recommended by doctors. These drugs are relatively safe on the kidneys, but said to have an effect on the eye for long-term use. Does not feel I've been using inhaler more than 5 years old routinely. Inhaler I use every bedtime on a regular basis and if there are symptoms of an attack. Having a brand does not work (immune), moved to use other more expensive brands. Usually wears an inhaler between 1 to 1.5 months. Unfortunately for people with asthma, often insecure, always afraid of recurrence outside the home, the consequences go everywhere must take medication in his pocket.

It is said that swimming regularly can cure asthma. Unfortunately I can not swim and of course swim regularly in addition also takes no small cost. By accident two months ago I bought a  sandal asma (sorry I called so) online to treat other diseases, after 30 days instead use my asthma is much reduced. 30 days has been separated from inhaler. Thank God, finally I could find to treat asthma without drinking or using chemical drugs for asthma disease.

Here are some of the asthma treatment which can be considered:
Brown rice flour from FYI. Asthma treatment it takes a long time.  By eating  brown rice  flour, the condition of  the body becomes fresher and stronger. With a strong body can reduce the number of asthma triggers. According to  a flyer  made ​​FYI, made ​​of rice flour made ​​from rice embryo and bran
Sandal asma for asthma treatment.  This can be done at home. The use regularly can  help you overcome the problem of asthma
Swim in the pool. Based on the experience of  some friends, swim regularly to strengthen the area around the chest. Effect of this asthma treatment can cure asthma, especially for people who are still young.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

New asthma treatment with radio waves

| Saturday, June 11, 2011 | 2 comments

asthma treatment
Millions of asthma sufferers have hope after a new asthma treatment in the UK for the first time.
Doctors said the procedure — the first non-drug asthma treatment for the condition — can cut attacks by 75 per cent and allow patients to breathe much more easily.

NHS patients in Manchester and Glasgow became the first in Europe to undergo the 45-minute procedure using radio waves for asthma treatment, known as bronchial thermoplasty as a relatively new asthma treatment, last week.

It involves burning away ­thickened lung tissue that blocks the airways and leaves many patients wheezing and gasping for breath.

Chest consultant Dr Rob Niven said: “It is the most exciting development in the  asthma treatment in UK in a quarter of a century. It can significantly improve the lives and condition of chronic sufferers.
“The potential impact of this is very big. This asthma treatment can improve patients’ lives by improving their breathing, reducing the number of attacks and reducing their dependency on drugs.”
Asthma treatment procedure begins with a tube is inserted in the sedated patient’s mouth and threaded through into the bronchial canals in the lungs. Once it reaches a specific point in the airway, an electrode device at the end of the scope expands to make contact with the interior walls.
It then delivers radio-­frequency waves for 10 seconds at a time, with the 140F heat effectively melting thick tissue causing the blockage.

This procedure is carried out three times to complete each operation.
A trial found that the technique can cut asthma attacks by 75 per cent and also typically give a patient an extra 86 days each year when they have no symptoms at all.
In the trials at Manchester’s Wythenshawe Hospital, 19 out of 20 chronic patients reported a “significant improvement”.

Dr Niven said one of his team’s patients, a middle-aged mother-of-two who lives in the city, was now back at work following her successful procedure last Friday.
The technique was also carried out at Glasgow’s Gartnavel General Hospital.Other hospitals in Leicester, Newcastle, Birmingham and ­London are also involved in the UK pilot scheme.
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) will eventually rule on whether to make the operation widely available on the NHS.
The £10,000 asthma treatment is already available in America for those who can afford it or have medical insurance.
But due to the high cost, trials here are aimed at chronic sufferers— estimated at 250,000 out of a total of five million people in the UK with the condition.

It kills 1,200 every year. So that proper asthma treatment is needed immediately.Asthma is said to affect one in five households and two children in every classroom. Inhalers are commonly used.
Asthma UK welcomed the asthma treatment.

Professor Ian Pavord, the charity’s chief medical adviser, said: “This is a well researched asthma treatment procedure that has been through clinical trials which show it can be helpful."

The success of asthma treatment is awaited by millions of asthma sufferers around the world, and this one could be the best alternative for non-drug   asthma treatment  in the coming days.

Source : htxp://


Monday, June 6, 2011

Holistic asthma treatment

| Monday, June 6, 2011 | 0 comments

By: Nathaniel Underwood
The natural control of asthma in the events, the perfect way to help his breathing, and one thing you need to plan your day to day.

An excellent way to control asthma is a triple shot of coffee, yes, I'm talking about coffee. Espresso has been recognized as one of the largest asthma treatments for asthma health at the helm for long.

Café relieve asthma symptoms that feel open airways and therefore the flow of air through the lungs more natural. Usually it takes about five minutes MAX, start working. It should be hot and slow for best results.

treated in sales of espresso natural asthma to drink their coffee black as if it were large, it is called espresso machines. No sugar, cream or whatever else you consume coffee, especially like the way it came out.

It gives you a most wonderful relief from asthma that you are trying to achieve. Caffeine enhances the lungs, it breathes a lot of much better tools.

As mentioned, since this is a good alternative for the treatment of asthma, and not all people with asthma excellent success. What can espresso to manage this type of superior taste for asthma is the speed at which it begins to perform.

Asthma is a type of airway obstruction by a narrowing of the airways characterized in the lungs and is caused by muscle spasms and mucus secretion. It is important to distinguish between reversible and irreversible, with possible breathing difficulties - with the condition of reactive airways and asthma. If bronchospasm and constriction only reporting to an allergen (such as pollen or food), then you have reactive airways disease (RAD). If treated promptly with appropriate various therapies, can often be cured. However, the burden of chronic episodes of reactive airway pressure is high at the top of the lungs and tissue damage. This violation leads to asthma - a constant problem, degenerative and irreversible, usually. Bronchial secretions and obstructions are no longer exclusively triggered by allergens - but also for training, strong emotions and at other times.

asthma management requires long-term strategy along - usually drugs also related to health. This paper combines the discussion of the disease reactive airway (RAD) and asthma. It is important that said that if drugs for asthma, you can not stop the medicine and you are talking about one of the methods listed here for your spa specialist.

Well over 15 million people in the U.S. asthma - a 33% increase over 1990 and a 66% increase since 1980. In 1997, more than 5,400 people died from asthma attacks substantial - extra double the death rate from asthma in 1980. 5 million children under 18 suffer from asthma - that lead to one of the leading university of hospitalization and absenteeism in adolescents.

The main symptoms of asthma or are:
• Difficulty breathing
• Difficulty in breathing and
• Close the feeling in the chest.

During the period of an asthma attack the bronchial tubes become partially blocked the generation of breathing difficult. The release of histamine in asthma and other chemicals and resolve the bronchi, in turn inflamed and flooded with mucus. comprehensive treatment of asthma



Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Needless Antibiotics Often Doled Out to Asthmatic Kids -- asma

| Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 2 comments

By Shalmali Pa

Pediatric asthma patients are nearly twice as likely to be prescribed an unnecessary antibiotic, compared with other pediatric patients, during an office or emergency department visit, recent studies revealed.

Two studies, one conducted in the U.S. over a 10-year period, and one in Belgium done over a two-year period, examined pediatric asthma encounters, with results published in the June issue of Pediatrics.

Antibiotics are prescribed in nearly one of six U.S. pediatric ambulatory care visits for asthma patients, which represents one million prescriptions annually, according to Ian M. Paul, MD, of Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pa., and colleagues. This occurs even though the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines specify that antibiotics should not be used as part of chronic asthma therapy or for acute exacerbations, with the exception of patients with comorbid bacterial infections such as pneumonia or sinusitis, the authors noted.

The results of the study imply that "additional education and interventions are needed to prevent unnecessary antibiotic prescribing for asthma," the researchers said.

The multi-institutional team analyzed office and emergency-department asthma visits by children from 1998 to 2007 based on data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys (NAMCS) and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).

They looked for the frequency of antibiotic prescriptions.

The cohort of 5,198 ambulatory care visits, representing an estimated 60.5 million visits in the U.S., also was evaluated for ICD-9 codes that could determine whether a comorbid secondary condition existed to justify an antibiotic prescription.

These secondary conditions included acute respiratory tract, skin, or urinary tract infections.

"During 15.6% of these visits, an antibiotic was prescribed without a coexisting diagnosis to justify such a treatment course," the researchers wrote.

"This equates to an estimate of [about] one million pediatric ambulatory visits per year in the United States for asthma during which antibiotics may be inappropriately prescribed," they wrote.

The authors noted that when antibiotics were prescribed, macrolides were most commonly chosen, at 48.8%, followed by aminopenicillins at 26.3% and cephalosporins at 20.6%. The remaining prescriptions were comprised of all other classes of antibiotics.

They also found that corticosteroids played an important role in whether or not antibiotics were also prescribed. When systemic corticosteroids (oral, intramuscular, or intravenous) were prescribed, antibiotics were also prescribed in 26.3% of the visits, compared with 13.1% of the visits when no corticosteroids were prescribed (P=0.0007).

The researchers noted that their study was limited by the data available, observing that undocumented conditions may well have existed that justified antibiotic prescribing. In addition, ICD-9 codes do not allow the determination of whether the asthma visit was for an exacerbation of the disease or for other nonacute reasons related to asthma.

"Despite these limitations, the current study demonstrates that clinicians are prescribing antibiotics as part of asthma treatment in a fashion that conflicts with U.S. and international guidelines," they stated.

Inappropriate and Expensive

The problem of unnecessary antibiotic prescribing for pediatric asthma patients is not limited to the U.S. In a two-year study of nearly one million children in Belgium, Kris De Boeck, MD, and colleagues found that the codispensing of antibiotics and asthma drugs was common practice.

The researchers analyzed drug dispensing data for 892,841 children from October 2005 through September 2006. A second study year included data from 880,969 children and was used for internal validation. All data was obtained from Christelijke Mutualiteiten, a healthcare insurer covering 44% of the Belgian population.

Each child was tracked over the year in order to calculate the number and percentage of children who had an antibiotic or asthma drug dispensed. Codispensing was calculated as patients prescribed an asthma drug who then had an antibiotic dispensed on the same day or throughout the year.

The researchers found that among children who had an asthma drug dispensed, the odds that they had also been given an antibiotic were 1.90 (95% CI: 1.89 to 1.91; P<.0001).

They found that penicillin antibiotics were the most prescribed (64.4%), followed by macrolides at 14.2% and cephalosporins at 12.2%.

The researchers also found a sharp decrease in both asthma drug and antibiotic prescribing among older children.

For children less than 3 years of age, asthma drug dispensing was 44.81%, but dropped to 7.64% in children ages 8 to 18. For the same under-3 population, antibiotic dispensing was at 73.05%, then slid to 34.21% in the older age group.

They noted that their analysis was limited by being cross-sectional and by the lack of diagnostic data for drug dispensation decisions. As with their counterparts in the U.S., they observed that some of the antibiotic prescriptions to asthma patients were undoubtedly for appropriate indications.

The yearly cost of the antibiotics dispensed to the study population amounted to about 7 million Euros ($9.9 million), the researchers stated. "Because of the lack of efficacy and high cost of coprescription of antibiotics and asthma drugs, the negative aspects of the 'coprescription habit' should become a focus of health education."

Patient, Physician Education

The studies highlight the need for patient asthma education to address inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in the pediatric outpatient setting," said Rita Mangione-Smith, MD, of the University of Washington in Seattle, and Paul Krogstad, MD, of the University of California at Los Angeles, in an accompanying commentary.

They noted that in one study, patient asthma education during an office-based visit led to a greater than 50% reduction in unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions.

The commentators also recommend watchful waiting if a child presents with an acute exacerbation of asthma, and there is a low suspicion for bacterial illness.

"In such cases, a child would be treated with appropriate asthma medications and, if the child is not improving in one to two days or getting worse, be reevaluated," they wrote.

They also said that Web-based quality improvement programs can play an important role in disseminating information throughout the pediatric outpatient provider population and can result in a decrease in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing.

"The battle to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for children diagnosed with viral upper respiratory infections has largely been won," they stated. "The new battle for curbing unjustified antibiotic use in the pediatric outpatient setting requires that we focus on reducing inappropriate bacterial diagnoses and decreasing the use of broad-spectrum agents."

Source : htxp://


Study: Too many asthmatic kids being given antibiotics -- asma


Antibiotics aren't a recommended treatment for asthma, yet doctors are prescribing them to roughly one in six children with asthma who shouldn't be getting them, according to new research.

That amounts to nearly 1 million prescriptions for antibiotics each year that aren't in accordance with national treatment guidelines, according to a report in the journal Pediatrics.

Asthma specialists say the overuse of antibiotics for kids with asthma is common.

"At least several times a week, I'm talking with families that have been prescribed antibiotics for asthma," said Dr. Mary Nevin, a pediatric pulmonologist at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Ves Dimov, an allergist/immunologist and assistant professor at the University of Chicago, estimates 15 to 20 percent of the asthmatic children he sees have been given antibiotics unnecessarily.

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. Asthma is a condition in which inflammation in the airways can cause wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Recent studies have looked at whether certain antibiotics might be effective in alleviating asthma inflammation, but the results have been mixed, and current guidelines don't recommend their use.

The only exception is if a child with asthma also has a bacterial infection, such as sinusitis or pneumonia.

"When you treat a patient with antibiotics, No. 1, they won't get better, and, No. 2, we increase the risk of antibiotic resistance," Dimov said. "The next time they need an antibiotic, they might not respond to an antibiotic they previously responded to."

Antibiotics overuse has contributed to the spread of drug-resistant "superbugs" like MRSA and Clostridium difficile. Kids given antibiotics can also develop allergies and other side-effects. And unnecessary prescriptions mean needless costs.

It can be hard, especially for doctors who don't specialize in pediatric asthma, to tell asthma from other respiratory conditions that would respond to antibiotics. "They don't know for sure what is going on, and that's why they give them antibiotics," Dimov said, citing a patient treated seven times for "pneumonia" that was actually asthma.

One way to reduce overuse of antibiotics may be through patient education. Antibiotics were less likely to be prescribed during emergency room and doctor's office visits where the causes of asthma and recommended treatment were discussed, the study found.

Source : htxp://


Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Therapy Enlarges Airwaves - asma

| Sunday, May 29, 2011 | 0 comments

Denise Rebel has been an asthma sufferer for as long as she can remember--as a kid it meant no summer camp because the results could be catastrophic.

"I was sick all the time," Denise said. "I was always having problems you know, I went to school in east Texas and so that always flared me up and I was in the emergency room all the time so when I was younger it affected me a great deal."

And Denise is a moderate asthma sufferer--so imagine what it's like for severe sufferers--for those there's new procedure called 'bronchial thermoplasty.'

Dr. Gary Weinstein is a pulmonologist at Texas Health Dallas which is the first hospital in north Texas to offer the procedure.

"We're inserting this into the trachea," Dr. Weinstein said while he threaded a bronchoscope with a flexible catheter into a model lung.

The tip of the catheter expands to touch airway walls--a controlled blast of heat then reduces the smooth muscle making it easier to breathe.

The procedure is completed over three visits with each visit taking about an hour.

"This has the ability to impact them in a very positive way for the rest of their lives," Dr. Weinstein said. "This could be a real game changer for people with severe, persistent asthma."

Patients will still need inhalers but research indicates the procedure reduces emergency room visits by 84%, hospitalizations by 73% and lost school and work days by 66%.

Currently he bronchial thermoplasty is FDA approved for people 18 and over who have severe asthma.

Denise hopes it will someday be made available to her.

"I would totally consider it if I was able to because it does make a big difference," Denise said. "I do understand that you are still on medications but it helps with the constantly being on steroids."

It's not a cure, but for many like Denise it may be the next best thing.

"It's a horrible thing not being able to breathe." 

Source :


Fish medicine for asthma - asma


The miracle fish medicine, which cures asthma and respiratory illnesses and administered free of cost by the famous Bathini brothers of Dhoodhbowli, will be distributed at the Exhibition grounds in Nampally here on June 8 and 9. The Bathini Goud family has been giving this medicine for the past 163 years.

Bathini Harinath Goud said the fish medicine is given on the day of Mrigasira Karti, which marks the onset of monsoon according to Hindu calendar. On that day, the Bathini brothers insert the yellow herbal medicine into the mouth of a live sardine fish which is about 2 to 3 inches long. This live fish is then slipped into the throat of a patient.
“For vegetarians we prepare separate medicine with jaggery. However, vegetarians need to take the medicine for a longer period,” Harinath Goud said.

Strict diet
This medicine is administered thrice, in a period of 45 days and the patients are supposed to follow a strict diet prescribed by the Bathini brothers.

 All the portions of the medicine, given at the venue after the administration of fish medicine, should be taken on days of Arudra (22 June), Punarvasu (6 July) and Pushyami (20 July).
“However one must strictly avoid 24 items that we suggest and adhere to the diet prescribed by us otherwise the fish medicine will not give desired results,” Harinath added.

Every year, thousands of people form serpentine queues to get the popular “Bathini fish prasadam”.

The fish medicine has faced severe criticism from scientists, doctors and organisations claiming that this medicine has neither scientific evidence nor medicinal value.
“Several studies have proved that there is nothing wrong with our medicine and it is based on Indian traditional treatment,” Harinath said commenting on Jana Vignana Vedika’s campaign against his medicine.

However, many opine that the medicine really benefits the asthmatics and its is truly a gift by the Bathini brothers.

According to the Bathini brothers, the ingredients of this medicine were revealed by a holy man to their great grandfather. The holy man, who revealed this cure, put forth two conditions — the medicine should be distributed free of cost and the formula behind the medicine should never be revealed. The state fishery department supplies thousands of fish lings near the venue. The APSRTC is arranging special buses to the venue.

Source :


A little medicine in the soup - asma


By : Tam Nguyen

While my husband, Sam, and I were walking along Clear Creek in Camp
Verde, to my surprise I saw a plantago major L (common plantain.) It
was a dead ringer for what Vietnamese call ripple grass. For me, the
leaves look like a soup spoon. Americans treat it as a weed, but in
Vietnam, it is herbal medicine.

My dad used it as a treatment for urinary tract infections for me. He
pulled all the plant from the ground, cleaned off the dirt, cut it
into small pieces, and then boiled it in water, adding a little salt,
making it as a soup. I ate the soup for a week and then my urinary
tract infection was over. I was cured.
The people in the village mashed the leaves and used the viscous
liquid to apply to burns from flames. In the hospital, they made an
ointment from the leaves to apply to smaller burns. There are
different uses for other illnesses, too. The plant was processed
inside a laboratory and turned into a good product for hemorrhoids,
used topically. It has many uses for health. It depends on how the
laboratories compound it for use.

Cut enough fresh leaves into small, thin pieces to fill a small pot
and put glycerine on it to cover the leaves. Mix the leaves together
and stir until finished. Sift the solution and keep it in a dark jar.
This ointment works to calm itching, skin rashes.
For me, I like plantagino major L because I can eat it as soup. This
plant growth begins in spring and grows fast in the summer. The good
time to collect leaves is from May to July, but for the seeds, it will
be later by one more month.

It surprised me when I saw them here in the desert. I was so happy to
see this kind of plant again. It reminded me a wonderful time with my
dad, talking about interesting plants, spending time watching them,
and, also, stories about climate, weather, soils, all the necessary
conditions for plant growth.

It feels like my hometown here. It looked exactly like the plants,
which my dad used for me. And it was also the plant my dad and I
talked about. It was a kind of weed that has many cures for health,
but it still has secrets for me because this kind of weed grows many
different places on the world.
This plant still is a grass. I did some research on plantago major L.
There are several experimental programs using plantago major L. It was
proof for me about my dad. He was not just a farmer in the highlands
of Vietnam, using folklore to help me cure a urinary tract infection.
And, he also had been using the plant for hypertension and blood sugar
control. He told me about the miracle of the plant, because it can be
used as treatment for the symptoms of asthma.

This is important for me because Sam has suffered from asthma for most
of his life. The plantago major L permeates the bronchial passages and
brings relief. The folklore becomes the truth, but it also has a long
story of us as an alternative medicine dating back to ancient time.
The plants are still out on the creek. It just makes me feel good
about the wild weeds. It can turn out for a good purpose if we can
domesticate it for herbal medicine or just simply as a green house

The leaves of plantago major L in a salad are a rich source of vitamin
C. In the early spring, it is used especially for extra vitamin C,
when people want fresh vegetables.
It is nice for culinary uses and can be used in a vegetable soup. It
is simple to make a bowl of soup. Just cut the leaves in small pieces
and cook with shrimp or chicken broth, or only in water. It is so
delicious. It helps the intestines. Just put a little medicine in the
soup bowl.

Source :


Friday, May 27, 2011

TV Can Cause Asthma

| Friday, May 27, 2011 | 1 comments

There’s a long list of reasons to be concerned about kids spending too much time in front of the TV or computer. Besides being linked to attention-deficit issues, sleep disorders and behavior problems, TV also contributes to asthma (asma) in children. And, for children who already have the breathing disorder, an overdose of screen time may make it worse. We explain how…

How can an innocent glowing rectangle make it harder for your child to breathe? After all, they’re just sitting there.


Sedentary “screen time” – a catch-all phrase for using any electronic media – can be hazardous to your children’s health. And not just to their brains, studies show.

Children who watched more than two hours of TV a day at age 3 were twice as likely to develop symptoms of asthma by age 11 as those who watched less, according to a 2009 study published in the respiratory medicine journal Thorax, which tracked the lung health of more than 3,000 British kids.

You may already know that “children who watch more TV have higher rates of obesity,” says Jessica Bartfield, M.D., a medical weight loss specialist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital in Maywood, Ill. “And there’s an association between obesity and asthma in children.”

Excess weight adds to the problem of asthma in children by compressing the lungs, reducing the amount of air they can hold, Bartfield notes. If airways are already narrowed with inflammation from asthma, it’s harder to get air in and hold it.

“Obesity also leads to a constant, low level of inflammation within the body, which may predispose someone to developing symptoms of asthma,” Bartfield says.

Even children who don’t have asthma are at risk. Some researchers have speculated that not getting enough aerobic exercise could adversely affect their developing lungs, making them more susceptible to the disease.

The average 8- to 18-year-old now grows up in a home with four TVs, two computers and two videogame consoles, according to a 2010 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The report also found that two-thirds of children this age have their own cell phones, 59% have handheld videogame players and 29% have laptops.

So what can parents do? Make a house rule restricting screen time to no more than an hour or two a day, says the American Academy of Pediatrics – especially for children with asthma.

Here’s why:

Reason #1: TV and games can be crutches for “downtime.”
Some parents of children with asthma may misguidedly encourage more screen time for their kids to subdue symptoms of asthma.

In a University of Rochester Medical Center study that looked at media use in 224 children with asthma, “63% engaged in some kind of screen-time activity” when they needed to sit down during an asthma flare-up, says Kelly Conn, M.P.H., director of research support at the university and lead researcher.

As a result, children who sometimes needed to slow down or stop what they were doing because of asthma averaged 3.5 hours of screen-time daily – an hour more than children whose asthma was well-controlled and didn’t force them to slow down.

What you can do: If you usually urge your wheezing child to sit down and watch a DVD, rethink that strategy, advises Conn.

For necessary periods of rest, “children can settle down with things they enjoy without always turning to a screen,” Conn says.

Instead, your child can draw a picture, build with blocks or Legos or read a book. All are activities that promote creativity and cognitive growth.

Then, at times when the child’s asthma isn’t flaring, encourage more physical activity.

Unfortunately, exercise can trigger symptoms of asthma in many kids. If it does, talk to your pediatrician about how to work around the triggers.

“Your child’s asthma action plan should address ways to prevent exercise-induced asthma,” says Jonathan Steinfeld, M.D., pediatric pulmonologist at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. “Simple things such as warming up slowly, not doing cold-weather sports, and using an inhaler before exercise can be really helpful.”

With the right treatment plan, most children should experience few, if any, limitations in their normal activities, says Steinfeld.

Also, consider a rescue inhaler before exercise to keep symptoms from flaring afterward.

Reason #2: TV-watching means more snacking.
Kids who frequently ate snacks such as chips, popcorn, pizza, burgers and hot dogs were nearly five times as likely to have symptoms of asthma as those who never or rarely had such snacks, according to a 2011 Greek study of 700 children, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

The link was strongest in kids who watched TV or played videogames for more than two hours a day. One likely explanation: Unconscious snacking while channel surfing can lead to obesity.

“Once children have asthma, they may find the disease more difficult to control if they’re obese,” Bartfield says.

Some research has also suggested that sodium in salty snacks may worsen airway hyper-reactivity in asthmatic kids.

What you can do: Foster healthy eating habits by not keeping junk food in the house. And pass by the fast food drive-thru.

Make wholesome snacks handy and appealing; for example, peel a banana, cut it in half, dip it in low-fat yogurt, roll it in crushed whole-grain cereal and freeze for a healthy make-ahead treat.

Also, when you’re busy making dinner, don’t use TV to keep kids out of the kitchen. Instead, ask them to help you cook, suggests Nancy Sander, president and founder of Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics.

“Even little ones can help wash berries or roll out biscuits,” Sander says.

In the process, you’ll have opportunities for nag-free conversation about which foods fuel the body best and why.

Reason #3: Small screens can distract from therapeutic family time.
In a study published in Child Development in 2011, Barbara Fiese, Ph.D., and her colleagues at the Family Resiliency Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, put video cameras in the homes of children with asthma and recorded family interactions at meals.

“We found that how a family communicated and acted during meals was related to the child’s symptoms of asthma,” Fiese says.

When family members related to each other in a positive way – for example, talking about their day, cracking jokes, discussing hobbies and interests – children with asthma had less severe symptoms and did a better job of sticking with treatment.

But “when there was too much hubbub, such as talking on the phone or having the TV on in the background, those benefits were lost,” Fiese says.

What you can do: Gather everyone around the table at least 4-5 times a week, says Fiese.

A typical family meal lasts 18-20 minutes. Fiese advises spending no more than a total of 5 minutes getting to the table (turning off the phone and TV, bringing a dish from the kitchen) and managing behavior (“Put your napkin on your lap,” “I didn’t hear you say please”).

The rest of the time should be spent on positive, criticism-free conversation.

“It’s OK to check in briefly with your child about whether she took her asthma medication, but don’t nag,” Fiese says.

Another bonus: When your family is eating around a table, “notice whether your child is wheezing or looks tired,” Fiese says.

“Kids with persistent asthma are at risk for developing anxiety-related symptoms,” she says. “If you create a calm, caring atmosphere around meals together, this may reduce feelings of anxiety and worry.”



New Therapy for Asthma


Denise Rebel has been an asthma (asma) sufferer for as long as she can remember--as a kid it meant no summer camp because the results could be catastrophic.

"I was sick all the time," Denise said. "I was always having problems you know, I went to school in east Texas and so that always flared me up and I was in the emergency room all the time so when I was younger it affected me a great deal."

And Denise is a moderate asthma sufferer--so imagine what it's like for severe sufferers--for those there's new procedure called 'bronchial thermoplasty.'

Dr. Gary Weinstein is a pulmonologist at Texas Health Dallas which is the first hospital in north Texas to offer the procedure.

"We're inserting this into the trachea," Dr. Weinstein said while he threaded a bronchoscope with a flexible catheter into a model lung.

The tip of the catheter expands to touch airway walls--a controlled blast of heat then reduces the smooth muscle making it easier to breathe.

The procedure is completed over three visits with each visit taking about an hour.

"This has the ability to impact them in a very positive way for the rest of their lives," Dr. Weinstein said. "This could be a real game changer for people with severe, persistent asthma."

Patients will still need inhalers but research indicates the procedure reduces emergency room visits by 84%, hospitalizations by 73% and lost school and work days by 66%.

Currently he bronchial thermoplasty is FDA approved for people 18 and over who have severe asthma.

Denise hopes it will someday be made available to her.

"I would totally consider it if I was able to because it does make a big difference," Denise said. "I do understand that you are still on medications but it helps with the constantly being on steroids."

It's not a cure, but for many like Denise it may be the next best thing.

"It's a horrible thing not being able to breathe."



Allergy And Asthma


Food allergies are common in infants and toddlers, but dust, ragweed and mold allergies are more common in teens and adults, U.S. researchers say.

According to, preliminary results of the Quest Diagnostics Health Trends Report, Allergies Across America, are based on laboratory testing from more than 2 million U.S. patient visits.
The findings reveal a pattern of allergen sensitivity consistent with the "allergy march," a medical condition by which allergies to foods in early childhood heighten the risk for the development of additional and more severe allergy-related conditions, including asthma, later in life, the study says.

Study investigator Dr. Harvey W. Kaufman, senior medical director at Quest Diagnostics, says the findings reveal patients with asthma who were tested for allergies were 20 percent more likely to have an allergy - particularly to indoor allergens like mold and house dust mites - compared to patients tested without asthma.

The findings support medical guidelines recommending those with asthma identify and minimize potential allergens that could aggravate the disease, Kaufman says.
"Allergy and asthma often go hand in hand, and the development of asthma is often linked to allergies in childhood via the allergy march," Kaufman says in a statement. "Given the growing incidence of asthma in the United States, our study underscores the need for clinicians to evaluate and treat patients, particularly young children, suspected of having food allergies in order to minimize the prospect that more severe allergic conditions and asthma will develop with age."

Source :


Remodeling Asthma Patients’ Airways - asma


Asthma (asma) is a common chronic respiratory condition characterized clinically by an excessive tendency toward reversible airway narrowing. Scientists believe that the airway narrowing induced by allergen exposure in patients with asthma may in itself be a sufficient stimulus for the development of airway remodeling, and that such remodeling is not solely dependent on induced recruitment of airway eosinophils which trigger airway remodeling as well.

To test this hypothesis, we performed repeated challenges with exposure to either allergen (to induce bronchoconstriction with airway eosinophil recruitment) or methacholine (to induce bronchoconstriction alone) in volunteers who had mild atopic asthma. Two additional groups of volunteers with asthma (asma)  served as controls, undergoing repeated challenges with either saline placebo (to control for the challenge procedures) or methacholine after they had received albuterol to prevent. The effect of these challenges on the airway was evaluated by assessing changes in markers of airway remodeling in endobronchial tissue before and after the challenge.

This study shows that repeated bronchoconstriction in asthma promotes airway remodeling. The changes were evident 4 days after repeated airway challenges and were independent of the stimulus causing the bronchoconstriction. Furthermore, they appear to be independent of eosinophil recruitment into the airways, since, on the basis of the specific markers we chose, the remodeling changes evident after the allergen challenge (which induced airway eosinophil recruitment) were similar to those seen after the methacholine challenge (which did not induce such recruitment).

These findings have implications for the management of asthma, since airway remodeling has been linked to a decline in lung function and the loss of bronchodilator reversibility.

SOURCE: New England Journal of Medicine, May 2011.


Police probe asthma death


POLICE are investigating the death of an eight-year-old girl after she went home from school suffering an asthma attack. Chloe McCowatt had complained to teachers about feeling unwell and her mum Jaime, 31, arranged for her to be sent home. But the youngster's condition worsened at home and she was rushed to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness where she died a short time later.

Officers confirmed that they were investigating the tragic death of Chloe, who was a pupil at Central Primary School in Inverness. 

A police spokesman said: "Inquiries are being made but at this time there are no suspicious circumstances and a report has been submitted to the procurator fiscal."

Chloe's family said her death was a "devastating loss". Jaime, who is also mum to 11-year-old Connor and baby daughter Kyra, said: "Chloe was a popular, thoughtful and caring daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and cousin.

"She had a bond with not only her family, but her friends and everyone else who knew her. Her family will never get over her sudden, tragic and devastating loss."

Staff at the school also paid tribute to the primary four pupil, who died on Tuesday.
The acting headteacher Rhona MacCormick, said: "Chloe was a beautiful wee girl and the whole school community are shocked and deeply saddened by her sudden death. Popular "She was a faithful and caring friend who was always there for others, providing a shoulder to cry on or a laugh and a giggle. She loved life and was popular with everybody.

"She was always willing to do her best and try her hardest and loved helping others. The absence of her warm smile will leave a huge gap in Central Primary.
"Our condolences go to Chloe's family and they know they can rely on the school to do everything possible to support them in the difficult times ahead."

Source :


Scottish News: Police probe asthma (asma) death of 8-year-old Inverness girl Chloe ...
Scottish Daily Record
POLICE are investigating the death of an eight-year-old girl after she went home from school suffering an asthma attack. Chloe McCowatt had complained to teachers about feeling unwell and her mum Jaime, 31, arranged for her to be sent home. ...
See all stories on this topic »
Remodeling Asthma Patients' Airways
(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Asthma (asma) is a common chronic respiratory condition characterized clinically by an excessive tendency toward reversible airway narrowing. Scientists believe that the airway narrowing induced by allergen exposure in patients with ...
See all stories on this topic »
Allergy And Asthma - A Link In Children
Study investigator Dr. Harvey W. Kaufman, senior medical director at Quest Diagnostics, says the findings reveal patients with asthma (asma) who were tested for allergies were 20 percent more likely to have an allergy - particularly to indoor allergens like ...
See all stories on this topic »

Bathinis fish prasadam on June 8
HYDERABAD: The annual ritual of distribution of fish medicine to asthma (asma) patients by the Bathini Goud family will begin at 10.15 pm on June 8 at the exhibition grounds in Nampally on the auspicious occasion of Mrigasira Karthe day. ...
See all stories on this topic »
Asthma Sufferers have Hope: New Therapy Enlarges Airwaves to Help Breathing
Denise Rebel has been an asthma (asma) sufferer for as long as she can remember--as a kid it meant no summer camp because the results could be catastrophic. "I was sick all the time," Denise said. "I was always having problems you know, I went to school in ...
See all stories on this topic »
Rigel raises $130M for PhII trial of asthma drug
Pfizer's decision to cut all allergy and respiratory drug development work came as good news for Rigel Pharmaceuticals, even though it meant the end of the two developers' pact for allergic asthma (asma) drug candidate R343. The Pfizer bought into Rigel's ...
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Why TV Can Cause Asthma in Children
Peace FM Online
Besides being linked to attention-deficit issues, sleep disorders and behavior problems, TV also contributes to asthma in children. And, for children who already have the breathing disorder, an overdose of screen time may make it worse. We explain how ...
See all stories on this topic »

Peace FM Online
Needless Antibiotics Often Doled Out to Asthmatic Kids
MedPage Today
By Shalmali Pal, Contributing Editor, MedPage Today Point out that one of the two studies reported here found that in the US, antibiotics were prescribed without documentation of a need in 16% of outpatient visits for children with asthma. ...
See all stories on this topic »
Camp open in Franklin County for youth who have asthma
Chambersburg Public Opinion
Camp SuperLungs, a free day-long camp for children age 6 through 12 who have asthma, will take place in July in Greencastle and Chambersburg. Camps will be offered from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm July 21 in Greencastle-Antrim Elementary School, ...
See all stories on this topic »
Your nose already knows: It's a bad allergy season
Los Angeles Times
The combination of rain and wind in Chicago this spring may be a lose-lose situation for allergy sufferers, said Dr. Mark Jacobson, an asthma and allergy specialist in Hinsdale and past president of the Illinois Society of Allergy, Asthma and ...
See all stories on this topic »

Los Angeles Times

Web5 new results for asthma
Kids with asthma given unnecessary antibiotics - Health ...
Antibiotics are not a proven treatment for asthma, yet the drugs are frequently prescribed to child asthma sufferers, according to a new study.
Asthma often elicits unneeded antibiotics for kids | Reuters
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - One out of six kids with asthma receives an antibiotic they don't need, according to new study findings.
Asthma often elicits unneeded antibiotics for kids
By Alison McCook NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - One out of six kids with asthma receives an antibiotic they don't need, according to new study findings. ...
Health Experts Say Food, Environment Can Affect Asthma Sufferers
There has been a spike in cases of asthma in the United States, despite the nation's improved air quality over the last 10 years. ...
Allergy symptoms can be confused with chronic sinusitis
Participants were 621 people who responded to an email from the Asthma ... “Allergies can cause a runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling or asthma. ...,0,7636...


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Prevention of asthma for children is the best

| Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 0 comments

In the Manawatu / Whanganui region 12 122 children with asthma - near Feilding city population - living with the challenges, fears and disadvantages of asthma every day.
This week is the week of Asthma and Asthma Foundation reminds people about the human and financial costs of hospitalization for asthma. Last year, only more than 4600 children aged between two and 16 in the hospital, a sharp increase in the last three years.

Last year, Charmaine Francis started a support group for parents of children with asthma and encouraged to connect people.

"It's about supporting parents to other parents. We share what we find works well individually and how they can keep symptoms under control."

The group is also there for parents who are in the hospital with their children and need a little help can help.

"Young children who you are with them all the time," said Francis.
"Other parents have problems with their children open and some are not even sure if they can asthma. Sometimes asthma in children in a variety of ways in which a persistent cough or wheezing may need to be quiet."
New Zealanders need for a preventive approach to asthma Asthma take Angela Francisco Foundation CEO.
"We urge parents and caregivers of children with asthma to ensure that your child has asthma and is planning a child vaccinated against influenza every year," he said.
"Children are encouraged to use preventive medication regularly and not just rely on their bullpen, when their asthma worsens. We also appeal to people with asthma, reducing exposure to asthma triggers such as dust mites and manage changes in temperature."

A support group for parents of children with asthma meets monthly in Feilding.All are welcome.

"We also arrange speakers on specialized topics, there must be a demand," said Charmaine Francisco. Who can find more information at 3285897 or contact

Mitre 10 has collection boxes in your money this week, where guests make a donation to a red lollipop. Donations can be made via SMS to 4560 PUFF, a donation of $ 3 or an automatic donation of $ 20 in 0900 4ASTHMA telephone number (0900 427 8462).

* The latest issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, The article "The Persistence of efficacy of bronchial thermoplasty severe asthma patients, that under this. The results of the assistance were fundamental Asthma Research 2 (RIA 2) in the first instance show that the persistence of the Safety and Efficacy of Two Years in BT.

"It is gratifying, the most important benefits of bronchial thermoplasty v. Up to two years consist of patients with severe asthma in AIR2 Study investigated," said Mario Castro, MD, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics University of Washington School of Medical Research Director at the trial and lead author of the paper AIR2 Air2. "THESE Clinically Significant improvements, combined with Long-Term Safety and Stable coherent confirmed as a bronchial thermoplasty IMPORTANT TREATMENT Option for Patients With Severe Asthma Drug Not That Good Colombian is controlled with real instruments."

In summary, bronchial thermoplasty, strong safety profile of the United Nations a long-term, monitoring has shown up to five years successive three trials. Security In addition, the results of two years of study show AIR2 Also Effect of Long-Term Effect.

The Alair Bronchial thermoplasty system, control of asthma in adults More Asthma Patients and against serious and permanent, not good asthma (inhaled drugs) to Combat Drugs in The Current has been developed by Asthmatx, was acquired in May 2010 by Boston Scientific.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Effectiveness in Treating Bronchial thermoplasty of Severe Asthma

| Monday, May 23, 2011 | 3 comments

Long-term safety data for research in severe asthma (RISA) trial, demonstrating is the maintenance of stable lung function and the absence of clinical complications in a period of five years in patients with severe refractory asthma Alair ® Bronchial thermoplasty system. RISA trial is the third in a series of trials that have completed the five year follow up of patients with bronchial thermoplasty (BT) treatment.

The results were presented at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) in Denver by Ian Pavord, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom and RISA trial principal investigator.

"Recommend With the addition of these new long-term data, I can safely bad asthma patients with bronchial thermoplasty drugs, a strong safety profile for at least five years shows the controls," said Dr. Pavord. "The Alair System provides a novel combination treatment option for the use of inhaled corticosteroids and long acting beta agonists to provide long-term improvement in asthma control in general."
BT is a bronchoscopy procedure under moderate sedation performed on an outpatient basis. The Alair System provides thermal energy to the airway wall in a precisely controlled to reduce excessive smooth muscle cells of the respiratory tract. Was developed for the airways tighten the ability to reduce, thereby asthma attack frequency and severity.

The presentation of safety data from five years of RISA test follows two recently published peer-reviewed articles that support the positive long-term results after bronchial thermoplasty:

* In February report in the journal BMC Pulmonary Medicine safety off the air five years of the study, a randomized controlled trial comparing BT standard treatment for patients with moderate to severe asthma. The publication was the lack of clinical complications and maintenance of stable lung function during a period of five years after BT, compatible with the profile of long-term safety of bluetongue.

* The latest issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the article "The persistent efficacy of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with severe asthma," which is under We present the results of the basic intervention Asthma Research 2 (AIR 2) of First Instance, which show the continued safety and efficacy of BT in two years.
"It is gratifying, the most important benefits of bronchial thermoplasty see consist of up to two years in patients with severe asthma in the AIR2 researched study," said Mario Castro, MD, professor of medicine and pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine, Principal Investigator in the trial AIR2 AIR2 lead author of the paper. "These clinically meaningful improvements, combined with consistent long-term security and stable bronchial thermoplasty confirmed as an important treatment option for patients with severe asthma is not well controlled with currently available drugs."

In summary, bronchial thermoplasty, a strong safety profile of long-term, follow-up has shown up to five years in three successive trials. Besides safety, the results of two years of the study also show long-term effect AIR2 effect.

Alair Bronchial thermoplasty system, and more permanent control of asthma in adult patients with severe asthma, asthma is not good (inhaled drugs) in the fight against drugs in the course has been developed by Asthmatx, which was acquired by Boston Scientific in 2010 .


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Penyebab asma di India

| Tuesday, May 3, 2011 | 0 comments

Ketika seluruh dunia merayakan Hari Asma Dunia (WAD) pada Selasa (3 Mei) dan membuat rencana untuk mengontrol penyakit pernapasan,  dokter paru dan para ahli berupaya mencari strategi menanamkan kesadaran, perubahan gaya hidup dan peningkatan alergen (polutan) di udara.

Pembangunan berkelanjutan seperti peletakan pipa selokan dan drainase serta konstruksi jalan layang, membuat sebagian besar  kota terbungkus awan debu.

"Kami berada di lintas jalan, menyaksikan masa transisi di mana peningkatan pesat modernisasi dan perubahan gaya hidup dapat berakibat meningkatkan asma di daerah," kata JK Samaria, profesor dan dokter paru senior, Departemen penyakit paru, Banaras Hindu University, ketika berbicara dengan TOI pada hari Senin. BeliU mengatakan  asma dan penyakit alergi lain menjadi lebih umum di kawasan itu, ia juga menekankan ancaman penyakit pernafasan lebih menonjol di perkotaan dibanding pedesaan, terutama di lokasi pembangunan sedang berlangsung . Modernisasi membawa perubahan gaya hidup dan makanan, yang menyebabkan asma dan penyakit alergi meningkat.

Lebih dari 150 pasien yang mengunjungi pusat kesehatan untuk mencari nasihat medis dari dokter paru. Disamping itu, mayoritas pasien (lebih dari 50%) datang ke OPD menderita penyakit asma dan alergi pernafasan.

"Kami menciptakan hutan beton perkotaan menggantikan vegetasi alami dan itu adalah menciptakan spektrum baru polutan fotokimia termasuk polutan yang muncul dari pembakaran solar dan bensin yang digunakan dalam kendaraan . Termasuk nitrogen oksida , ozon dan partikel yang dapat berdampak negatif terhadap paru-paru manusia . Kondisi ini diperparah peningkatan konsumsi makanan kemasan dan makanan cepat saji yang juga berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan prevalensi asma, "tambah Samaria, yang juga sekretaris nasional Masyarakat Paru India .

Sesuai SK Agarwaal,hampir 70% kematian pada pasien asma (asthma) dilaporkan pada orang tua yang berusia lebih dari 65 tahun,  "Sejumlah pasien asma masih menganggap kesulitan bernapas atau masalah pernapasan sebagai tanda serangan jantung, cukup untuk menunda deteksi dan mulai pengobatan asma secara dini ," tambahnya.

Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memproyeksikan, sekitar 100 juta pasien asma baru  diperkirakan akan ditambahkan ke daftar pasien yang ada pada tahun 2025, terutama disebabkan oleh pencemaran lingkungan dan kurangnya kesadaran terhadap penyakit tersebut .

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